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Ana Arias Saavedra

Date of birth :15-10-1951

Birthplace: Frean, Guntín de Pallares, Lugo

Profession: Degree in sponsorship, tailoring in four specialties, Dressmaking, Lingerie, Tailoring and Corsets in the system Martí

Writes occasional articles in the Journal of Lugo El Progreso,

Collaborates with the poetry magazine edited by HE Xistral. Town Hall Lugo...

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See everything we offer you!
21.65 x 17.72 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
21.65 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
21.65 x 17.72 in
21.65 x 17.72 in
15.75 x 17.72 in
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Ana Arias Saavedra

Date of birth :15-10-1951

Birthplace: Frean, Guntín de Pallares, Lugo

Profession: Degree in sponsorship, tailoring in four specialties, Dressmaking, Lingerie, Tailoring and Corsets in the system Martí

Writes occasional articles in the Journal of Lugo El Progreso,

Collaborates with the poetry magazine edited by HE Xistral. Town Hall Lugo

Collaborates with the magazine Eiva of Ferrol, A Coruña

Collaborated with the magazine Minerva, Ferrol, A Coruña

Collaborates with the magazine "I Fanagueiros" O Incio, Lugo, with articles of historical and poems

In 2004, invited by the artist Luz Darriba, working in the carpet swatches, call:

PATCHWORK (allegory in defense of battered women) in Praz Obradoiro, SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA-A CORUÑA, GALICIA-SPAIN.

Works making up the wrist called, Maruxiña, by Darriba LIGHT IN THE MEDIA elegantly dressed (clothing and cosmetics, footwear, also handmade by ARIAS ANA SAAVEDRA) holding in hand a poem that I wrote, which Maruxiña, adult women is battered. This on 1 day

The 2, cooperates with the puppet in the form of a big heart, forming female face painted

wig beautiful gray, green, some reddish. Arms, legs and shoes, black shoes in his hands, rings of white pebbles of glass, hand-embroidered handkerchief Rococo, Toto This handmade and stuffed with dry grass, Like Maruxiña, carries in his hand a poem, but, representing a heart of a young girl called ALBA, an allegory in defense of the girls murdered

In the two days, working in Praza Obradoiro, informing participants sew carpet rags facilitating, advising where his mark was better visualized. Selling posters, etc ....

THE ALBA doll and the doll Maruxiña, held since that date held by the artist Luz Darriba,

In 2005, again collaborating with the artist Luz Darriba in LUGO (GALICIA, SPAIN) in the PLAZA DE SANTA MARIA, installation GLOVE BLACK WHITE GLOVE. Works by giving the idea of tinting the white gloves with color spray cans black, because the manager was all white, and having missed a planned collaboration

. Collaborates actively throughout the day, inform, take signatures and ID number of people who adhere to GENDER EQUALITY

Collaborates with the magazine A Cultural Association Palloza agaric Badalona, Barcelona

December 1 to 15 of the same month of 2006 stated in a Casa da Cultura de Burela, (Lugo) 151 small-format works, medium and large painting, since it concerns all of them on women in their moments and feelings, 295 zip format photographs spread over 5 tables deal with the sunrise on level ground and aerial forms of clouds, Expose 5 sizes small, the three exhibitions under the generic name of Sentementos Mestura (Mixture of Feelings) staying in that room on permanent display two paintings, a medium-large format oil paintings and pastel called Angueira of Noutrora (Formerly Profession), pen and ink work to small-medium format called Naiciña Campesina (Peasant little mother), a table of 49 photographs called ALborexendo na Terra Chá (Dawn on level ground), a small-sized sculpture called Nai Natura (Mother Nature).

Participates in 2007 and 2008 in the book of the cultural association of Cordoba, Cordoba Aires, art and poetry book called, creators III, IV BREEDERS.

Participate in the poetry recital de Quiroga in the year2006-2007-2008-Lugo,

Participate in the poetry recital de la Rua of Valdeorras-Ourense - in 2007-2008,

She is a member of the SAF (Society Artistic Ferrolana, Ferrol, A Coruña)

He is a member of the collective poetic Ribeira Sacra (QUIROGA-LUGO)

Develops a portrait of Mr. Germain Lopez Quiroga (writer, poet, ...) to oil and watercolor, which was given on behalf of the entire group, Ribeira Sacra, in a tribute to this collective has paid in November 2007.

He exhibited his works of poetry illustrated in opinion space

She is a member of the Writers Guild of Lingua Galega

Exhibits illustrate their deeds on the web:

Has posted on the website http:// Poets for Peace / poetasporlapaz fairytale in Galician, photographs and poems in Galician and Spanish.

In the web world poets of Galician language and Spanish.

On the web presents Spanish-language poems, stories in the same language, works in pencil, watercolor and oil.

Collaborates with magazines poetic and cultural character.

Member of the Association of the Mediterranean-Association Poetry Literary Audiovisual-Valencia

Member of the Association Literary Word Blue-Madrid last look view

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